Friday, September 12, 2014


Sunday, September 07, 2014

Let Me Be~

Monday, July 07, 2014

Join the Pond Gatherings

Sunday, July 06, 2014


Summer Reading

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Angels Landing Tower Design Project

Angels Landing Tower  Design Project

Angels Landing Tower Design Project

The International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency or INEDA is an interactive source for healing & healers online. Here we are evolving & designing a new way to live in HARMONY with Nature & all elemental forces in the Universe. This Spring, of 2008 we are partnering with a wireless service provider to improve communications for the Town of Milton & surrounding areas. Angels Landing, as by now my readers may be aware, is a higher elevated area of the Town of Milton. It is remote, & on the top of a hill which was, a hundred years or so back, a farm. The Piggott Farm. I have been playing with technology I just barely understand to make my friends & allies more able to SEE the place as a bird or engineer with maps does. I am learning to speak engineering. We have a site: both a web site & a physical place on Earth site. These links are for you to navigate with us; explore, contemplate, & consider: HOW TO BUILD A BETTER, MORE BEAUTIFUL TOWER which serves more than one function? Yes, we need clear communications. When responding to urgent & emergent situations. But we live in New Hampshire to reduce those situations in our lives. To ease stress, to escape the rat race. Angels Landing is a Retreat & a Sanctuary from the buzz & the chaos of overstimulation & too many phone lines to answer. Our supreme DESIGN question this season is; how to marry form & function in beauty & peace? These are the questions I am seeking answers to with this page. I am hoping there are other Ecodesigners who enjoy working on their laptops in the woods, or a mossy clearing. With nothing but birdsong in the background. Below are 3 sets of Links for this project. I use the Basic Editor at Angelfire to post my webpages. If you would like to gather here first, in planning & developing the Angels Landing Retreat Center with associated Farm & Forest Camp, please WRITE to me. Address your enclosures, sketches, ideas, models, blogs, & other resources online to The best ideas, links, & resources will be rolled out in the Links sections below. As always, you may donate to INEDA on line through the top link below; INEDA Healing Places. To a Greener, more friendly abundant life for ALL, I AM blessing you today in PEACE. Monica National & International links INEDA Healing Places on the Web Milton, New Hampshire, home of Angels Landing INEDA links to ebay Lunar Phases United for Peace Looks Too Good to be True? Find Out! NON-VIOLENCE.ORG PICS to dream with Yahoo Health News New Hampshire Fish & Game Town Of Milton, NH website New Hampshire Granit Data Mapper Buy Beautiful Online... New Hampshire links & educational resources The Project Beginnings University of New Hampshire INEDA mission; expanded version about insurances & financial services...please send feedback NHSPCA Beginner Farmers Singing Hills Retreat First Nations Monica's Articles at the Chronicle VISIT Santa Monica! Cheapest Solar Panels! Green Hope Farm Monica's bio/resume ...& What I Look Like! Designers Page Healing through Service, Farming...& Natural dwellings Farm Aid Farm Foundation Natural Building Resources Cheapest Solar Panels! Amazing Water: Masaru Emoto's Website Cosmic Connections: the Bigger Picture Green Cross New Moorings Organic Farm, Maine Living Your Dreams with the Hero Technique The Full Matrix: a Neo-Tech Primer

My Dream House

Friday, July 04, 2014


I am migrating some links from angelfire over here.
The International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency or INEDA is an interactive source for healing & healers online.
Here is an evolving list of links to help healers around the world heal.

Blessed Be....all of us.
Blessings for 2014, a year of Miracles & Light!

Blessings, Monica King

    We see this site as being most progressive concerning ways to improve the lives of our children through public education down through the next 7 generations, in harmony with most Native American teachings on Turtle Island. And the next 1,000 generations according to Mother Africa's soul signature.
  These links are to other educational & charitable organizations dedicated to the nurture & support of LIFE on PLANET EARTH & all her created creatures including earth citizens of every nation, race & spiritual/religious belief.
Spirit, Creator, Source of unconditional LOVE is guiding here and NOW.  I/We at INEDA are starting a new effort to manifest a GOOD news channel.  Please feel free to send contributions to such a channel.  I am dedicating my top link below to an example.  LOVE, joy and peace BE with all.
Please feel free to comment & add to this list by sending an e-mail.
National & International links
GOOD News The World in Action
Night Rest General
The Night Shift; Forgiveness Part 2
HELP for Women of Faith: Domestic relief in the Churches
Monica's YouTube

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sleep~ A Lullabye for My Grand baby girl :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What is a Light Warrior?

"Who Are Light Warriors? Everyone has some aspects of a Light Warrior inside them. People who pursue their dreams, who flow like a river through their life to fulfill their purpose, are in a sense Light Warriors. When they do good things, when they are persistent, when they seek the truth, their meaning of life, and their true self, they are the warriors of light (another term for Light Warriors). Light Warriors are those that seek the truth. They are in touch with their true self, love and joy, they are good and open-minded. They want to fulfill their mission in the most positive way. And, because they are open-minded, they use all good tools that are available to them including love, joy, faith, hope, science, spirituality, their own impressions and experiences, different knowledge, etc. There is another term that relates to Light Warriors and that is the warriors of the rainbow (Native American prophecy). We can see more rainbows now than ever before. The warriors of the rainbow will rise and protect the Mother Earth. They will bring a new society. They will bring love and light. Light Warriors are not part of any movement, they have always been here. Being a Light Warrior means that you start from the inside. It is your choice and effort depending on your true excitement about it. Light Warriors were torn apart in the past by poisoned people. The Unity, the real power, was poisoned. But we will rise again. We are here to help and protect. There are also New Age definitions of the Light Warrior. Lightworkers are people who see everything as positive, they are gentle and sensitive and they have a pleasing personality. Their main value is love. Love is also the main value of lightwarriors. Lightwarriors are balancers, they are very open-minded yet they protect the truth. As I see it now from my perspective, the true Light Warriors are between these New Age definitions. They are something between lightworkers and lightwarriors. Our tactics changed. We are flexible. We no longer fight from the outside, but from within the system. Our strongest weapon is love. Our strongest shield is light. We apply the ancient ways of warriors, they ways of sword, bow, and arrows. Not in the literal sense, but we apply the teachings and knowledge. We should heal ourselves, we should heal our Unity, and eventually we should heal this world." ~author Michael Logony 

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

INEDA Healing Places on the Web

INEDA Healing Places on the Web
Hi All~
 Just want to check in and say I now have two translators on my site now.
 Also to let you know that a gmail account includes a translator in the gmail office suite. This is free.
 Blessings, LOVE, and Lighted ways, Monica

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

A Free Translate Tool

Hi All~
I really have been wrestling with my part of the puzzle.
I am mounting a campaign to flood outwardly from a broad English language based operation to an international one.
So this is a call from me to you to play with me. Just play with me.
Since the Channelers from Star nations have found their way to this site, the fastest growing spiritual social networking site on the Web right now, we have the advance guard so to speak. The Sword of the Spirit for a Lightworker is the electronic word and page. We are the Light brigade of this now time if you follow me here.
So I believe it behooves us all to use Widgets and apps and geeky speak to cross borders with our New Earth communiques.
I am simply going to put more on my own pages as a matter of course now. We need to facilitate the heavenly/earthly fusion of communications a "World that works for everyone" and we have been assured we already have all the tools and materials we need to accomplish this. So let's help Wes Annac and bloggers and channelers and teachers and video artists and musicians here get their inspirational and important messages out to all the nations as rapidly as possible.
It's GO time! Time for practical, applied, concerted effort on all our parts. Peace, momking
Here is the code:
setTimeout(function(){{var s=document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';s.charset='UTF-8';s.src=((location && location.href && location.href.indexOf('https') == 0)?'':'')+'/ajax/v3/WidgetV3.ashx?siteData=ueOIGRSKkd965FeEGM5JtQ**&ctf=True&ui=true&settings=Manual&from=en';var p=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.documentElement;p.insertBefore(s,p.firstChild); }},0);