Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Inspirational for Moms everywhere...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Wise Women Wage Peace is a new organization within INEDA collecting women from around the world interested in primarily PEACE.

How to bring it about. How to wage it. How to take the "personal is the political" into life this day.

Are you aware of self-talk? Do you wage peace within yourself first? Listening IN?

We are organizing a STAMP campaign within the United States.

The Peace stamp Campaign is one modelling from the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign linking the postage stamp to funding a governmental program, the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign targeting cancer cure within our Institutes of Health.

Likewise, the Wise Women Wage Peace group is designing a stamp or collection of stamps designed to end; to prevent violence against women by funding the VAWA Act. This is short for the Violence Against Women Act of 2006.

Will you join us? Drop us a line at, or if you are interested in helping with this new Fall 2011 project.

We welcome you!

This is the page.