Behold a Pale Horse; two roads diverged in a yellow wood
Hello all! Here is the book that will open your eyes. Once you read it, you will never see politics the same way again. On campus, produced by Hollywood, or in Washington, D.C.
This tale of two cities is about a secret society. One they do NOT want you to know about. The author, William Cooper had TOP clearances & credentials in the U.S. Navy. After this book was published, he was mysteriously killed in a police shoot out.
Not before his evidence was published in this book however.
He shows in it, the CRUCIAL difference between Judaism, or legitimate, worshipful folks espousing a belief in God, & Zionism, the nefarious shadow of Judaism. The evil shadow of a legitimate religious path.
As William himself wrote; it does not matter that MOST thinking, compassionate people of faith would reject such preposterous notions; it DOES matter very much at this juncture in time that YOU understand there is that tiny percentage that actually DO.
The key to unlocking many mysteries is in discerning these crucial differences. Now more than ever.
It can still be ordered online. Google the name. Here is one place to buy it.
Another source of legitimate news;
Let the reader discern for him/herself here, some is "out there", but....
Now declared by this Administration as the enemy number 1 of "disinformation " websites. Sounds a little well, Orwellian doesn't it?
Here is a regular poster who appears on
Nervous Neocons Lashing OutBy Wayne Madsen10-26-5
Nervous neocons are lashing out. In light of revelations that Dick Cheney was intimately involved in the outing of CIA covert agent Valerie Plame and facing certain indictments of their key leaders, the neocons are furiously lashing out at all those who helped bring the nation to the brink of rolling up their networks of influence and exposing their foreign ties. Ambassador Joseph Wilson is attacked in today's Washington Post by two "Judy Millers in pants": Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus.
Not coincidentally, Republican Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota, the chairman of the Permanent Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, has trotted out previous charges that George Galloway, British Respect Party MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, personally benefited from oil vouchers from Saddam Hussein. Coleman is now threatening to have Galloway prosecuted for perjury for his testimony before the committee last May. At the time, a number of observers concluded that Galloway successfully stood up to the baseless charges from Coleman.
Coleman's subcommittee, like John Bolton's US Mission to the UN, has become a neocon satellite cell operating in tandem with Vice President Cheney's office and the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans.
Coleman's charges against Galloway were based on forged Iraq Oil Ministry documents that are reminiscent of the crudely forged Niger "yellowcake" documents.
The forged Niger Foreign Ministry document. The Niger Coat of Arms was crudely hand drawn. The actual coat of arms is on the left, the forgery on the right.
After being criticized by certain New York elitist neocon circles for being "the son of a doorman" and a "doorman" himself, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is now coming in for more personal attacks. The following quote from a "White House ally" of Bush appeared in the neocon-run (Mort Zuckerman and friends) New York Daily News: "He's [Fitzgerald's] a vile, detestable, moralistic person with no heart and no conscience who believes he's been tapped by God to do very important things." The statement is an obvious slur directed against Fitzgerald's Jesuit high school education in New York City and his Roman Catholic faith.
Prosecuted for perjury.... liar, liar, pants on fire! That's what I say! Go fighting Irish!
Lying under oath, & later covering it up, now THAT'S Obstruction of Justice.
Folks bear in mind these are NONPARTISAN legitimate issues affecting the American public's HEALTH!!!!!!