Social Security? HOW to Discern Between the Church of GOD & the church of satan
Hello All:
We are approaching the time when the battle of forces between dark & Light, good & evil or the struggle between the forces that support the verb live against the reversed mirror image evil have a show down.
To begin with, for the atheist reading folks, I am asking that you view this article as a psychological analysis of Jungian archetypes & nothing more.
I have already laid out my basis for considering that, with or without a "belief in God", all intelligent life with any capability of reflecting upon the order of Nature can agree: there is an order; water, when it boils does not leak OUT of heavy metal & pour down a stove when heat is applied. That's the short refresher. So if every time the term God is mentioned henceforth, so it does not jar, substitute Universal Intelligence, the Tao, UI or whatever. The term remains merely a symbol as the Buddhists will remind us.
For ALL others I am asking that you consider laying aside partisan, & sectarian disputes for a brief moment.
And consider this; WHY does our government so vehemently oppose all other holidays of a religious nature to be celebrated within our public school systems with the EXCEPTION of Halloween?
Hmmmm, I wonder. Is it that we just love dressing up? So the fact that this particular holiday involves dressing up & candy & begging, we overlook the fact that it is traditionally associated with allowing for satan or the devil to have his one night to wreak havoc?
Yet you can not allow the singing of Hannukah songs to celebrate long nights with miraculously replenished oil in the darkest moments of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere? Or Christmas carols sung about a little boy born in a manger amongst shepherds & farm animals?
IF you ARE a believer, ask yourself, why such tolerance for one, religous but pagan holiday OVER another religious or several religious traditions?
If we are to make progress as a HUMAN RACE it would be wise to pause these few days before the traditional night of dark forces before we blindly throw ourselves into the celebration of them.
Ask yourself, on a purely practical level?
Do I like the EFFECTS of celebrating Halloween? On myself? On my children? The sugar highs? The restless hyperactivity. The break in dietary discipline? Let alone the pranks that come with the older kids out on the prowl; the smashed pumpkins, toilet papered trees & lawns, shaving creamed cars with the paint messed up now, the threat of children being poisoned by the candy they get at a trick or treat stop.
And finally the worst of all, the rise in crime, the student; again female body, found mysteriously murdered out in the midwest?
Speaking in purely humanistic terms here; I do not believe it does the collective CONSCIOUSNESS of humanity, that one Carl Jung wrote of, to open ourselves up to a mass celebration which allows for the shadow side, the UNconscious side of humanity's nature to come out to play.
It contributes to what Helen Caldecott originally, in the antinuclear movement, coined as a term: psychic numbing.
It numbs ordinary folk, regular joes & janes from the REAL consequences of deliberately assaulting & battering, stalking, haunting, & ultimately assassinating ANYBODY.
So I for one, think it is a lousy idea.
If you would like to contribute more LIGHT to October 31st when night falls, consider this; reframe your holiday with your children, family & neighbors.
Have a Harvest Eve party. Plan an event inside, in a safe place with supervsion. Use articles from the local farms to decorate with, yes. But lose the skeletons, the ghosts.
Play apple bobbing games. Dress up. And choose a personality you would like your children to learn more about; say Rosa Parks as an example Or Martin Luther King.
And if kids come to your door, do a little continuing education with them. Instead of handing out sugary treats, try going to the bank & getting some new nickels. With the old buffalo on them.
Teach about the transition which is part of the Grand design which you are transiting that night; from the harvest moon to the hunters moon. And brush up yourself about these ancient tribal traditions indigenous clans & tribes celebrated for millenia befor the "white man" "discovered " America.
A little home schooling. At your little home on the cyberprairies.
You notice I get my sermonette out there often before the main thrust of the article title. Must be that female brain, always working in the round.
Now to the question this article asks of the reader... Social Security???
You may have read my articles by now. If not, I would suggest you at least read the previous one as a synopsis of why I have to address the Social Security administrators on my own behalf in the first place. Got shot in the chest.
Still have a little universe of dirty lead pellets imbedded permanently in my own personal chest wall.
Recovering from this incident is taking time in divided doses.
I HAVE been "off duty" from my regular job as an Evening/Night Supervisor of RNs.
So, after the requisite time frames I naturally applied for benefits. Benefits I had lawfully accrued over a 27 year course in bona fdide straight up nursing. Any one can see MY track record. It is listed at my website in plain English. I did my time. I had the share of my wages that were accrued for just such an unexpected health crisis laid into my own personal SS account just like everybody else.
But when I applied for my own personal benefits, I was turned down. Not once, but twice.
In my life placed suddenly on the curb, I came to hear "on the street", on the bus, with the folk, that this was common. Not just there, but in regular State offices too. From social workers familiar with the drill; this is the essence of it; there emerges a "formula", which last time I checked, is HIGHLY ILLEGAL as a practice.
All insurance claims for health benefits, indeed, all claims in any court at law in equity, must be evaluated based upon the MERITS. Not put through a formula that wears a citizen down & can in fact lead to such stress that severe psychiatric illness results; depression, suicidal or homicidal ideation & in the most tragic of cases, premature death.
But , I bear you my testimony this is true, it is COMMON knowledge amongst tiers of aid workers & attorneys & doctors that:
roughly 85% of Social Security claims are turned down the first time. Ditto for the second round.
It is only the THIRD time around when "the odds" reverse. 85% are GRANTED.
Draw your own conclusions. I did mine.
When I was turned down the second time I wrote a personal letter to Manuel Vaz, the Regional manager for claims filed in the State of Vermont.
A discerning reader will "get" pretty much what his letter of denial said. Here is the letter reproduced in full. This was the letter that WON me my OWN FBI guys, who made a special trip just to see how I was feeling. Note the dates. The letter was sent in June. But it was not until after a hurricane or two that they showed up at my door.
Here it is:
Manuel J. Vaz
Regional Manager
State of Vermont
Social Security Administration
Office of Central Operations
1500 Woodlawn Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21241-1500
Monica King
General Delivery
Barre, VT. 05641
June 15, 2005
Mr. Manuel J. Vaz:
Upon receipt of your letter dated June 13, 2005, considering my REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION of my Social Security CLAIM:
case: Monica King SS# #####0718 I have one overall thing to say to you.
YOU ARE A MOTHER F#*#ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WILL RETAIN an attorney or seven, with the continued Constituent advocate help in
Bernie Sander’s office.
Within the next sixty days.
Between now & then however, I am taking you up on the “invitation” to go back to work using & exercising my native, maternal, nurturing INTELLIGENCE & EDUCATION.
Let me address you personally, point by point.
“...your claim independently by a physician & disability specialist...”
Let me make this perfectly clear to you Mr. Vaz— YOU WORK FOR ME— I DO NOT WORK FOR YOU-----
It is NOT acceptable to ME that you begin your letter citing NAMELESS authorities in the field of medicine & disability “in a State agency...” presumably my birth State, Vermont.
these individuals are. I want their names &
What is glaring here crucial notes from Doctor Donald Lacey, MD. You do NOT have a complete record to evaluate without his record of care.
He was the FIRST & most DECENT family physician I returned to after the abominable acts I was VICTIM OF October 28, 2003.
It INSULTS MY INTELLIGENCE that you have wasted 3 & ½ months “evaluating” my CLAIM when you are not competent enough to GET this record!!!!
What the hell have you been doing these past months, anyway?
“We realize you can no longer do any of your past jobs”.
You realize WRONG. At this point in time I am perfectly CAPABLE of doing any & all of the jobs within the nursing field I have held in the past AND FAR, FAR MORE!!!!!
But I WILL NOT REST, nor will I VOLUNTARILY return to work in a “gainful” capacity until I am COMPENSATED LAWFULLY & HONESTLY for every second, minute, & hour I have been recovering from this heinous & abominable set of CRIMES.
In the meantime, I have MORE THAN ENOUGH to do as CEO of INEDA, FREELY, voluntarily helping others less blessed with intelligence, & education & experience the Social Security Administration & physicians “in the medical field” routinely screw over, & FORCE into slavish & subservient positions.
YOU collectively have made a mockery of the very name of the Agency the innocent appeal to, called Social Security.
Your response DISGUSTS me.
The glaring INCOMPETENCE of your response reflects your clear inbility to weigh properly, judge, or discern any health or rehabilitation-related claim.
I WILL be taking every lawful step to see to it you LOSE YOUR JOB & YOUR PENSION for this response, along with EACH & EVERY individual who participated in the decision-making process.
Unless you change the determination ASAP & GET ON YOUR KNEES, & PRAY TO GOD for mercy on your soul. Because this is the prayer I AM PRAYING RIGHT NOW:
Dear God, Creator of the Universe, this beautiful earth, Father of Lights, Heavenly Father, through Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords,
Avenge me of the abominations being perpetrated within the Social Security Administration of the United States of America:
Beginning with Manuel J. Vaz, Regional Commissioner of this Administration in the fair & verdant State of Vermont.
Lord I pray you will bring this man to repentance of his evil works & ways swiftly, within his professional capacity within this vital, life-nurturing Agency.
Teach him, dear Lord, by the most effective means possible the EFFECT of his actions upon the poor, the lame, the meek, & the illiterate.
As a suggestion Lord, I would send him an experience which gives him empathy for those he serves as a PUBLIC SERVANT to the People of Vermont.
An experience which, in a male body might be analoguous to the suffering Your servant & disciple, Monica King, has suffered to this date since October 28, 2003.
As Mr. Vaz has amply documented his opinion of my age, education, & experience & deemed me fit to function & by omission has implied that in the period from October 26, 2003 to June 14, 2005 I WAS capable of functioning in “some work amounting to about 800 dollars or so per month” during this time period, AND since it is a well researched FACT that men in general are slower to learn than women, DOUBLE the period of time this man suffers, through no fault of his own, a near death experience at the hand of a psychotically crazed woman.
I might suggest that this woman be someone formerly near & dear to him, someone, someone he has known intimately, whom he shared his daily life with, trusted, & let into his heart.
Let this woman sit in darkness, in the pit of depression & grief, driven mad by losses which have driven her into a state of criminal psychosis so severe that she is obsessed & consumed with a plan to destroy him.
Before she actually does lure him to a place of vulnerability, make sure she spends at least a few weeks plotting how she will hurt, torture, maim, & NEARLY kill him.
Let her encounter him with instruments of torture & weapons designed to kill him. In a place he can not escape from. Let it be something akin to a cattle prod, electric fence or other instrument which regularly shocks his testicles, & rips open the head of his meatus.
Since these areas are normally covered by
professional white collar men in their ususal dress, make sure she wounds him somewhere on his chest, neck, or face where a visible ugly scar develops which may fade with time but never leave.
Please, dear Lord, make sure this encounter involves horrendous memories which haunt him day & night with both physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual PAIN.
Above all else Lord, whatever experience you bless him with MAKE SURE it involves EXCRUCIATING PAIN— unpredictable pain, pain that moves through his sexual organs like an unrelenting SERIES of thunder & lightening storms, twisters, relentless rain, & brings about a permanently upset sense of self-satisfaction, smugness, & superiority.
HUMBLE this man, dear Lord.
By Your Divine Hand alone, humble him within an inch no a millimeter of his life, until he sets this case RIGHT, & gives me, Monica King, the Disability Insurance money I worked for diligently & honestly over a 27 year career in nursing.
And, should all these experiences FAIL to bring him to his knees in repentance for the evil he is doing in his “gainful employment”, please Lord, just remove him from the earth through a slow & horrendously painful illness which strikes his sexual organs first, then eats his body up.
A wild beast, a poisonous serpent, a mysterious gastrointestinal ailment, any Divinely conceived retribution will serve.
I thank you GOD, for hearing my prayer & sending avenging angels to fulfill it.
However Lord, I certainly pray FIRST, that Mr. Vaz will come to his senses, repent, & walk the straight & narrow path of repentance, finding his way to You.
I pray these things in the name of the King of kings, & Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.
Sincerely, Monica King
General Delivery
Barre, VT 05641
Also on the web at the International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency for further education & awareness of domestic violence issues, prevention, & wellness counseling through reliable links to health-related resources.
Cc the Editors of:
The Washington Post
the Times-Argus
The Burlington Press
New York Times
LA Times
The cyberpen ROCKS! Peace.